

I recently found this on the internet and it made me think because while I am experiencing this right now, I don’t know how I feel about it. It sucks to lose friends and I agree that it is a natural part of going forward with your life but it always doesn’t have to be that way. Don’t rid yourself of the people in your past who love you just because you think its time to “growing up”. I think that growing up means that you are becoming who you want to be, figuring out what is important and real. Someone with dreams and goals, someone who makes mistakes and learns from them. Shedding friends is not the only part of growing up. Realizing that you must cherish the ones who really matter, new or old; this is the true mark of “growing up”.

x emily

Keep Calm… Only 2 more days :)

Keep Calm... Only 2 more days :)

Its not the last day of my semester BUT it is the last day of my pre-student teaching in my 5th grade placement! And although it is bittersweet to be saying goodbye, it was one of the most rewarding and enjoyable placements I’ve experienced thus far! I am so glad for the teachers and students I got to know and grow with 🙂
x emily.

It’s Friday!!

It's Friday!!

It’s Friday, Friday, gotta get down on Friday! ((Sorry)) i’ll stop. haha I’m just so excited because after this weekend, I only have one hell of a half week left until Break!!!! (for EASTER of course) 🙂 I’m just so excited to go home and see my family and prepare for the final weeks of school. 28 days left of JUNIOR YEAR BABY! haha oh boy, *cue anxiety*
But mostly I’m just excited because as soon as this craziness is over, I will be able to enjoy the rest of my MAY, my favoritest month, in peace and then back to SUMMAH CAMP! I love and miss them ❤
x emily


It’s that time of year again!!! I don’t know much about basketball but I love the sweet feeling of victory when I have the right picks! So I did a little research and stuck to my gut. I won’t reveal who I chose as National Champion for the sake of suspense but here’s a sneak peek of my bracket:

FINAL FOUR: Florida, Villanova, Louisville, Creighton

*If you think I’m totally crazy you’re probably right, but let me just inform you that last year I won the bracket within my family by one point; see if that changes your mind 😉
Anyway, may the odds be ever in my favor!
x emily.

fashion statement

In honor of NYFW 2014, I have been checking out the slideshows of what’s hot off the runway. Apparently, the latest trends are Bold Furs, Heavy Texture, and Edgy Sportswear. But what I’m seeing on the runway are a bunch of hot messes like this lady on the left sporting Rodarte. But hey, to each their own. Don’t get me wrong, these over the top designers didn’t do all bad in my book. see the following for some stuff das cute. (Nanette Lepore, Jill Stuart, and Rebecca Taylor respectively) I could see myself wearing something like this one day. maybe.

fashion statement

Now OK, I feel like I have a decent fashion sense or at least have an idea of what I think is cute. The problem is that after my online binge of the “Best Shows” slideshows I don’t feel all that fashion savvy and I’m not even that big of a fashionista. I can never find “fashionable” things in the stores near me because I don’t live in a big city with all the designer brands and latest trends. Not that I care that much about labels but I really just don’t have the skill or the funds to put together amazing outfits with a hodgepodge of pieces from places, some better than others. Plus I’m what some may call cheap, (I prefer thrifty), which can be a detriment to how much I’m willing to spend for a decent dress or pair of pants. Like I’m sorry but I am not paying more than a good twenty for a slinky blouse unless its got like gold buttons. I just don’t see why pieces of fabric sewn together have to be so darn expensive 😦 Sometimes I wish I was more edgy or more feminine which I guess stems from my underlying desire in life to be a little bit more than my ordinary self.

x emily.

What is faith?

What is faith?

~Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. Hebrews 11:1~

Lately, I have not been my best self because I have lost a lot of my spirit and joy in life. Blame it on the winter season dumps or due to the burdens of my semester but I know hidden in my mind and heart is the root: lost hope and doubt of turning myself around. But these last few days have proven that God is working double time trying to give me a sign of better things to come. I literally have have seen this bible verse all around me, it haunts me as I go about my day. It was in my devotion last night and it was on my tumblr three times in a row today. I just can’t ignore God staring straight at me in the form of a bible verse from Hebrews. After stopping to reflect on this verse numerous times, how can I deny that this is exactly what I needed to hear in the midst of my outcries to the Lord. To hold close to me and never let go. I cannot see Him but I am assured He has been here the whole time, preparing all that I hope for in his beautiful timing. Amen and Hallelujah to that.
x emily.